


Less Equipment Needed

The LATITUDE encoding system is compact and portable, consisting of a small transmitter, a lightweight collar, and a single battery-powered electronics box. That’s it. By contrast, a conventional automated acquisition system consists of a scanner, motion controller, couplant feed system, battery back-up, and extensive cabling. And it requires 120V power – the LATITUDE solution does not!

Faster Setup

LATITUDE adds minimal set-up time to that required for a traditional manual examination, whereas a fully automated system can increase set-up time by a factor of 5 to 10 times. Tear-down and demobilization times are similarly reduced for LATITUDE as compared to automated systems.

Highly Efficient Inspections

When LATITUDE is combined with innovative and optimized inspection procedures – such as scanning involving a detection-only approach – the number of required personnel and inspection time can be a fraction of that required with typical automated UT. The result is increased efficiency and improved overall production.

Better Quality Results

The LATITUDE system allows an examiner to manually apply and manipulate NDE sensors. This manual manipulation provides tactile feedback on surface condition, contact and coupling that leads to improved signal-to-noise results when compared to mechanized delivery. The manually applied sensor also allows the examiner to more efficiently discern and characterize component damage.